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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  October 18, 2017 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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decrease in revenue. the city council decided to eliminate 11 positions. the decision is expected to save the city $1.5 million annually. right now at 6:00, a race against the flames. >> lived here 30 years. i have seen at least two or three fires on that same ridge. i have never seen one this big. >> the fire fight continues in the santa cruz mountains with evacuations still under way and mandatory. the progress crews are making on the fire lines coming up in a live report. from santa cruz mountains to the north bay, relentless wildfires ravrage california. the damage awaiting residents returning to their homes in sonoma county. pointing fingers. the lawsuit about to be fired against pacific gas and electric in the aftermath of the wildfires. "today in the bay" continues right now. thanks for joining us on this
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wednesday. i'm kris sanchez in for laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. back to those wildfires as we continue to push the firefighters continue to push those limits across the bay area this morning. as crews make progress on the north bay wildfires, another one pops up in santa cruz mountains, forcing more evacuations. >> it is active. here is where things stand. the so-called bear fire is burning near 5% containment. it is threatening 271 acres, actually, 271 acres are burned, but 150 homes are under threat, under mandatory evacuation orders this morning. that is the area of deer creek and bear creek canyon. this continues to be a very tough fire fight. five firefighters were hurt while working in very treacherous and steep terrain. the weather could help firefighters with this. >> we have team coverage to get you up to speed. me
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meteorologist kari hall kicks off our coverage. >> likt winds and higher humidity. that is really going to help out as far as containing those wildfires. as we go through the day, it is going to be cooler, compared to yesterday. in some spots, ten degrees lower than we had yesterday afternoon. also, some rain in the forecast will be very beneficial over the next couple days. it doesn't come in until late tomorrow evening and late friday morning starting in the north bay and working to the south. as we head into the weekend, things dry out again and things will be warming up once we head into next week. we'll be talking more about that. and the fire conditions around the bay area. mike starts with the latest for bart commuters. >> reports of major delay. 20 minutes or more is what bart's classification is. there's an equipment problem between union city and south hayward. it's all we know. i would think it would affect the dublin/pleasanton line.
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be on the lookout for that. back to you, marcus. >> 6:03. back to breaking coverage of the bear wildfires burning right now in santa cruz mountains. it has been an up hill battle, as you can see for firefighters as they have been tackling the flames. we brought you live coverage of the fire all morning long on "today in the bay." this morning, the communities of deer creek and all residents of deer creek road from hawk ridge road to skyline boulevard are still under monday tear evacuations. "today in the bay's" bob redell is live in santa cruz mountains with the progress crews are making right now. good morning, bob. >> reporter: good morning to you, marcus. we are not seeing the big flames we saw 24 hours ago. i spoke to the command behind me here and they say much of the fire has moved from our vantage point on bear creek road.
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they are in radio contact and have been all night. the hand crews are digging lines, removing vegetation and doing this all throughout the night. we expect the air attack we saw yesterday to resume later this morning once the sun comes up. cal fire says the bear fire consumed 271 acres, just 5% contained. we expect the agency to update those numbers, hopefully report better containment an hour from now at 7:00. the bear fire started monday night as a structure fire and spread into the woods. four structures destroyed, 150 more threatened and a number of people evacuated, including sandra wood who raced inside her home to save the things that matter most. >> i grabbed my daughter and my brothers and, um, my -- my wedding ring. we are thankful. it's hard. we lose everything. but, not us.
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>> reporter: cal fire tells us they have about 600 men and women fighting this fire. five were hurt yesterday. one, a man, pummeled 50 feet and broke his wrist. another, an inmate firefighter suffers from smoke inhilation. the other three were minor injuries. again, a news conference scheduled for 7:00, an hour from now. we will stream it on our website, live in santa krus mountains, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> hopefully we'll see positive news. from the santa cruz mountains to the north bay. the bay area cannot seem to catch a break. firefighters continue to battle the bear fire there on your screen, along with the north bay wildfires. crews there are seeming to turn the corner. plenty of questions remain when it comes to determining what caused the fire. one family that lost it all, is taking matters into their own hands to try to get answers.
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pete suratos is live in santa rosa with the action that family is taking and whether or not we could see more of this. pete? >> reporter: yeah, good morning to you, kris. that's a good question that remains to be seen. we will see more of us following the north bay wildfires. the cause of the fires is unknown. it's under investigation. as you mentioned, one family is taking matters into their own hands and going to file a lawsuit against pg&e. this is happening while crews are on the ground containing the wildfires. video from overnight, this is highway 12. you can still see those flames kicking up behind trees. they are still working to contain these fires. as far as the details of the lawsuit, it's filed by a couple in santa rosa more than 30 years. they lost it all. their home is burnt all the way to the ground in the coffey park area of santa rosa.
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we have shown a good amount there over the week. a lot of homes lost in that area. their attorney says pg&e may have broke federal and state laws. they did nothing to prevent their equipment from igniting dry grass. this is days after pg&e notified california regulators of eight separate equipment failures in eight days. now, downed lines are being vegted by cal fire as a cause for one of the wildfires we are talking about. that family and their attorney are going to have a press conference, talking about this lawsuit in san francisco at 1:30 p.m. live in santa rosa, pete suratos for "today in the bay." 6:07. new this morning, california regulators are investigating fire evacuations at two assisted living homes. the facilities were damaged in the north bay wildfires.
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so far, social services is giving little dell tail of why they are being investigated. the facilities in question are the one at mountain grove. they are in santa rosa, run by the oakmont management group. for all your wildfire related questions, head to our website, there rk there, you will get continuing updates on the progress in the santa cruz mountains as well as the north bay fires. a house fire on the peninsula. you can see the front of the house suffered the brunt of the damage. the home is on bellbrook way near the sharon heights country club. the overnight fire appeared to start in the garage and spread to the rest of the house, also spreading to some of the trees. one person was home and they were taken to the hospital for smoke inhilation. the cause of the fire is under investigation. also new this morning, chp says one person is hurt after a shooting on 580.
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this happened just after 9:00 between redwood road and strobridge avenue in castro valley. a black sedan pulled up and opened fire. he did go to the hospital but has been released. police have not located the suspect nor the suspect and the case is under investigation. 6:09. on the peninsula, an inmate mistakenly released last week is back in custody this morning. rodney jefferson turned himself in. he is serving a two-year sentence for car theft. he was released because of a clerical error. they are adding additional procedures to make sure something like this doesn't happen again. 6:09. we continue to monitor the air quality as the fog rolls back into san francisco. it is going to be a smoggy morning keeping that smoke trapped near the surface with higher humidity and cooler temperatures as you head out.
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it is going to be unhealthy to stay outside for long periods of time today. you need to wear those masks if you have to be outside. even in santa clara valley, moderate and at times the smoke drifting by will create very toxic air. we are seeing all this because of the nearby wildfires. at least we have some calm winds to start and our winds only pick up slightly, but do change direction as we go through the day. more on that and today's temperature trend in four minutes. mike starts with the crash in san jose. >> that's right, kari. northbound, the stream of headlights is the typical commute at 680/280 interchange, highway 101. southbound side is uninterrupted. there is no slowing. there were reports of an overturned vehicle, it took 40 minutes, then cleared. i don't think it was ever there. i think it was affecting the off ramp. chp was so busy, they didn't
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have time to update. the rest of the map shows a nice drive in hayward and the bay bridge toll plaza with metering lights on. hayward is moving well. it's an option is bart was intended to take this morning, a major delay on fremont between union city and south hayward. that will likely affect the pleasanton/dublin line. we haven't heard specifics. back to you. thank you. coming up next, breaking news coverage of the santa cruz mountain wildfire continues. we'll show you where the fight is to contain these flames and how it's going with the folk that is were evacuated. close call in the east bay. the information we are learning that became dangerously close to home.
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right now at 6:14, teachers and coaches, keep the kids inside today. we still have very unhealthy air quality. looking at the temperatures, grab a jacket as you head out in oakland. 48 degrees on the walk to school. then a slow warm up of temperatures today, keep the cool in the mid-60s this afternoon. we will talk about the rain chances ahead. that's coming up in five minutes. we are looking at slower travel times in the east bay, including the castro valley. i'm looking at the bart lines in the area. major delays for the fremont
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line. we'll talk more about that. back to the breaking news in the santa cruz mountains where we are tracking the bear fire. now, more than 24 hours into the fire fight. more than 270 acres are burned. it is only 5% contained. we should get updated numbers within the next 45 minutes or so. mandatory evacuations in the area remain in place today. some new photos this morning of a grass fire that prompted evacuations in dublin. you can see how close that fire got to the homes there. burned 150 acres. people were back in their homes, though, by last night. now, to developing news out of southern california. a massive fire at the chevron refinery overnight. this is near l.a. the fire broke out around 10:30. crews say they put it out very quickly. the smoke did go into surrounding neighborhoods. some backgrounds here, the state
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fined chevron $1 million after a 2012 refinery fire here in the bay area. it is 6:15. even though the plan may be dead in the water, governor jerry brown is praising a decision by south bay water leaders supporting the overhaul of california's water delivery system. the governor's plan is called water fix and would create twin water tunnels from the delta to provide water to southern california. key water agencies shot that plan down. the santa clara valley water district voted to support the plan, but only if it involves one tunnel instead of two. in a statement, the district wrote the board's vote is a major step forward for california water fix and ensures santa clara valley are have the water they need. yesterday's vote may get the idea of a similar, smaller scale project on track. >> confirming what san francisco
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leaders have been saying. ride sharing companies are making traffic worst. the uc davis study finds more people are opting to use ride shares inlieu of biking or walking. they argue to state regulators that rides share cars were making congestion worse than the days when taxi cabs ruled the road. >> interesting. now the business headlines including big news concerning apple. >> first, we start with the stock market record. kate rodgers is live from cnbc world headquarters. good morning. >> marcus and kris, good morning to you both. wall street could continue the upward trend following a mix yesterday. the dow broke above the 23,000 mark, but failed to close above that level. 53 trading seconds from it to go from 22,000 to 23,000. housing starts.
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the dow closing 22,997. nasdaq slipped to 6623. apple responded to concerns from senator al franken about the id feature on the new iphone x. apple says the chance of a random person unlocking your phone is 1 in a million. after five unsuccessful tries you need to enter a pass code. your data is encrypted and will not be sent to apple or on icloud. part of an extension with the nfl, ticket mather plans to have the first fully digital ticket for sports. they will validate tickets sold on other sites. that will start next season. back to you. >> thank you very much. one less thing to lose at the bottom of your purse. >> absolutely. >> not your purse, my purse.
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back to the coverage of the fire burning in the santa cruz mountains. we should get updated numbers at 7:00 this morning. the fire is only 5% contained. more than 270 acres are charred. if you have been evacuated and you have animals you can take like horses and goats to the grand hill show grounds in santa cruz. small animals can be taken to the santa cruz animal service center also in santa cruz. as we continue to watch those fires, we continue to watch what is going on with the weather. certainly, that plays a big role on how they fight the fires, how it spreads. >> right. it looks good as far as the weather for the next several days. the winds pick up slightly. the higher humidity this morning, the calm winds, hopefully we get more containment today. we have cool temperatures, cooler than yesterday morning. look at the north bay. right now, 42 degrees. even in san francisco, much cooler than yesterday at this time. in san hjose, 53 degrees.
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compare it to 24 hours ago. in san francisco, it is ten degrees cooler and we are mostly seeing those temperatures in general, five to ten degrees cooler than yesterday. it's going to be cooler this afternoon as well. as we see the return of that on shore flow in cupertino, a high of 75. morgan hill, 81 and lower 80s for the east bay. 80 in walnut creek, oakland a high of 70 degrees and 68 in san mateo. san francisco, reaching the mid to upper 60s today. we'll have those breezy winds pick up from the west with the highs in the north bay reaching 76 in navato and santa rosa, 78 degrees. we look forwards to the chance of rain in the forecast. this will move in late tomorrow night. still, it's well to the north of us. it will take its time working into the bay area. all dry today with a few clouds
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in the mix. then for tomorrow, during the afternoon, we start to see some of the showers popping up in sonoma county, moving to napa county by 9:00 tomorrow night and san francisco. spotty showers in the east bay. we wake up friday morning with wet roads and it drys out throughout the day on friday. looking at when that rain arrives and how much we could see, this is the possibility of getting a quarter inch or more in parts of the north bay. that looks very positive. now, as we go into the weekend, san francisco stays cool, in the low to mid-60s. inland areas, a cool next several days, then it heats up early next week. mike, you are talking ability a correction to an earlier crash? >> making a correction. tastes like chicken. the rest of the bay, smooth drive. the roadways, the dublin/pleasanton line comes along this area. north of union and hayward.
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i'll talk about the traffic slow. keep that map in mind. the slowing in 680 pleasanton is a standard drive. consider driving through hayward instead of the bart line. on the fremont line we have that delay. it does not affect the dublin/pleasanton line because it is too far south of there. as we look at the waze system, they have mapped out the routes. san ramon to the dumbarton bridge, stay on foothill road to get a break. that's the fastest route. they have three options for you. join nbc bay area wazers, look at that. that's the team i would love for you to join. back to you. >> thank you. next on "today in the bay," speaking out for the first time. the exclusive interview you will only see on nbc bay area. ellen speaking with two mean on the 32nd floor of the mandalay
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bay resort the night of the las vegas shooting.
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oh, you brought butch. yeah! (butch growls at man) he's looking at me right now, isn't he? yup. (butch barks at man) butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. (laughs) (vo) you can never have too many faithful companions. introducing the all-new crosstrek.
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love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. firestorm. here our response team is taking questions in the wake of the fire storm. here is chris chmura. >> definitely contact your lender now. and before, i deally, before
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your next payment is due. you can request a pause. if possible, you will hear fore bear ance. the u.s. department of housing and urban development may help you find a counselor. 800-469-4287. don't assume it is automatic. if you stop making payments, you risk late fees, a stain on your credit or possibility of foreclosure. please call the lender as soon as you can. we have posted more questions and the answers on our website. visit our consumer unit is committed to answering your questions. give them a call at 888-996-tips. today, we hear for the first time from the security guard who first approached the las vegas
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shooter's hotel room. he arrived thinking the gunshots would you say a drill. he was struck by a bullet. that's when the building engineer showed up. >> came out and i told her to go back inside, it wasn't safe. shortly after, that's when he was approaching. i told him to stay back and take cover. that's when more rounds were dispursed. >> you can watch more of this emotional interview today on the ellen degeneres show. that's today at 4:00, here on nbc bay area. >> i'm definitely going to watch that. coming up next on "today in the bay," breaking coverage on the wildfire still burning in the santa cruz mountains. >> i went in and got my brother and my wedding ring. >> one of the people who had to evacuate 100 homes as
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firefighters now continue to battle the flames more than 24 hours later. team coverage continues next. >> reporter: a murder scene in south san jose after a man is stabbed to death. we'll show you what we have found in a live report.
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mountains, firefighters are battling around the clock to get a number of wildfires contained this morning. good wednesday morning to you, i'm marcus washington. >> i'm kris sanchez in for laura garcia. it has been a nonstop fight for ewes across the area. >> the so-called bear fire that continues to burn is 5% contained and 271 acres that are burning right now. 150 homes remain under mandatory evacuation orders this morning. that's for deer creek and bear creek canyon. this continues to be a very tough fire to fight. five firefighters were hurt in very treasure rouse terrain. >> meteorologist kari hall starts the coverage with what firefighters are facing. >> good morning. we have cooler temperatures around the bay area and near that bear fire in bear creek canyon. our temperatures are going to start out at 48 degrees in the next hour.
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then slowly rise as we go through the day. a lot of smoke and as we start out with our temperatures not only there, but in the bay area, much cooler than yesterday. a relative humidity is much higher than yesterday at this time. at 86% and for the rest of the bay area, in the 80s and 90s. it's good recovery here and some very light winds. our winds will pick up slightly as we go through the day, starting from the north and starting to turn more on shore as we head into the afternoon to the evening hours, which will help keep our temperatures down throughout the day. i'll have more on that and the upcoming rain in the forecast in a few minutes. mike has better news from bart riders. >> major delays have gone to a very specific ten-minute delay for the fremont line. they are in recovery mode. the roadways are moving slowly southbound 880 down to the
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traditional slowing past the san mateo bridge. the south starts to build bushing northbound through silicon valley and looking at the tri-valley for 680 south into fremont. here is the push. 85 and 101 showing the most volume over the last few minutes into san jose. we have 17 and highway 90 through the mountains. for more on this area, back to you, kris. >> you were talking about that. back to the breaking news of people in the santa cruz mountains eagerly awaiting the fire fight near so many homes near boulder creek. we brought live coverage as the story was breaking yesterday. this morning, more than 150 homes are under that mandatory evacuation order. these are the communities of deer creek and all residents of bear creek road from hawk ridge road to skyline boulevard. you can see it on the map there. those orders are still active today. "today in the bay's" bob redell
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is live in the santa cruz mountains. bob, we expect to hear news from firefighters at 7:00. right now, are you seeing the conditions different than yesterday? >> reporter: we are not seeing the big flames we saw yesterday, kris, that's because the fire has moved away from our vantage point here on bear creek road. yes, a cal fire news conference under way in 30 minutes from now. we hope they will tell us firefighters have extended the perimeter around the bears fire. right now, containment at 5%. acreage burned, 271. four structures destroyed, another 150 structures threatened. as you mentioned, it forced the evacuation of a number of people from those homes. the challenge in this fire fight is the steep terrain against the mountainside. cal fire had to rely on hand crews who hiked their way in and a number of aircraft dropping water and fire retardant from
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above. we expect that to resume once the sun comes up. the weather has cooperated. the air is cool, i can testify to that. oddly enough, firefighters wouldn't mind a touch more wind. >> obviously, you don't want that big wind, we don't want big wind, but a nice little breeze to blow a little of the smoke out makes it easier for those guys to fly in there. >> reporter: to reiterate, cal fire will hold a news conference 30 minutes from now at 7:00. we will stream it live on our website at live in santa cruz mountains, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> now, to the latest numbers in the north bay wildfires. the death toll still stands at at least 41. those flames have burned 213,000 acres statewide and nearly 5700 homes and businesses are destroyed. pg&e restored power to 97% of
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customers who can receive it. cal fire allowed 6 rk,000 famil home yesterday. all evacuation orders have been lifted for much of the oakmont neighborhood in santa rosa. about 200 people can't go home because there's still an active fire burning. >> this is new overnight video of the oakmont fire east of highway 12. some of the flames you are looking at were set by cal fire. firefighters say this is a defensive move. >> the fire you see on the hill is fire that we have set to burn out the remaining areas of fuel. >> as we mentioned, 200 people cannot return home. they are now staying at the sonoma county fairgrounds. our coverage of the fires, impact, the aftermath and the investigations continue at we have also compiled a list of ways you can help. so many of you have asked for
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that. you can find all that information on our home page. 6:36. breaking overnight, a crime scene next to a south bay school. police investigating a double stabbing. it started just after midnight near the intersection of lyric lane across the street from davis intermediate school. thom jensen is live at the scene that is still active at this hour, thom. what have you been able to learn new this morning? >> reporter: good morning, marcus. we have not been able to talk to san jose pd yet. we are waiting for that interview. this is, indeed, a murder investigation. we had "today in the bay" photographer here early this morning at the scene before fire crews. pd was on the scene and they did confirm to him, he said this is a homicide investigation. we have seen san jose pd detectives really focusing on three cars that are parked behind a van that is right behind me right now. that is where we understand the
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stabbing took place. our warning to parents, this investigation could still be ongoing. they have two blocks blocked off for the investigation right in front of caroline davis intermediate school in south san jose. watch out for that if you are bringing your kids to school today. we are hoping to learn more about the timing when the investigation will wrap up. we have a bus trying to get through here and talked to pd about when the street would open up. pd or fire crews did administer cpr on the scene and the victim was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital a short time later. the identity of the victim has not been released. as far as we know, at this point, pd does not have any suspects they are looking for individually right now. by the way, we have looked into this. this is the 28th homicide in san jose this year. that compares to 37 this same time last year. back to you guys.
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>> thank you very much, thom. we are following breaking news in oakland, which is where one person died and two others were critically injured in a house fire. it happened before midnight not far from lakeshore avenue north of 580. firefighters have not indicated the names nor the ages of the victims. they say four adults and two children live at the home. the two children got out unharmed. the cause of the fire is under investigation. new this morning, palo alto police believe a recent spike in car break ins may be linked. the palo alto weekly reports police are investigating 20 car break ins on stanford's campus this month alone, which is up from the usual two or three a month. 20 versus two or three. police also say witnesses provided similar suspect and vehicle descriptions for a half dozen break ins thursday and friday. in one case, witnesses described the car as a black honda with a dent in the trunk.
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we are approaching 6:40 with low clouds and smoke drifting around the south bay this morning. our air quality is still going to be an issue through the day. as we look at the school day forecast, you do need to limit your outdoor activities today. it's going to be cool. you have to wear a nice, warm jacket with the temperatures in san jose starting at 51 degrees. throughout the day, it's going to be nice and comfortable. breezy winds, unfortunately, that will not help out with mixing out the smoke that will be drifting by. we will talk about what's ahead as we head into the forecast. going into the next couple days, coming up, then as we head over to mike, you are keeping us updated on what's happening as far as the crash on the nimitz. >> it may be light. hayward, san leandro, typical.
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south of 880 jams up and so does the drive at the bridge. north of 880, a crash blocking two lanes at marina boulevard. that will slow folks heading north to downtown oakland and the bay bridge. the focus after the castro valley wide slowing through hayward. back to you. >> coming up next on "today in the bay," battling flames in the mountains. firefighters continue to work around the clock to save homes there. live coverage on the evacuation still in effect this morning. plus, placing blame. the santa rosa family taking action against pg&e in the aftermath of the north bay wildfire. we are following the stock market. the dow up 108 points. a lot of people say the dow surges 100 points through 23,000. you are watching "today in the bay."
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♪ that one. this. that one. ♪ ♪
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it's 6:44 on this wednesday morning, starting with drifts of smoke around the bay area. as we take a live look outside in fremont already busy. as you get out there, a cool start. by 10:00, 61 degrees with mid-70s in the forecast today. yes, it will be cooler and yes, we do still have rain on the way. we'll talk about the time line and when you'll need to dust off that umbrella in five minutes. >> a look at southbound 880, that's the slowest drive on the travel time chart.
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northbound past marina is better. the crash quickly cleared to the shoulder. 6:45. back to your breaking coverage in the santa cruz mountains where firefighters continue to battle the bear fire. mandatory evacuations are still in effect this morning. the rough and rigged terrain is hampering the fire fighting efforts. our coverage of the santa rosa fire, a couple plans to sue pg&e. the couple lost their home in the tubbs fire and the claim accused the utility of negligence. they have lived in santa rosa more than 30 years. their home burned to the ground in coffey park. the suit claims pg&e broke state and federal regulations by not doing enough to prevent their equipment from igniting dry grass. investigators have not determined a cause for the fire. the utility says they will not
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speculate about what might have happened. the family plans to hold a news conference this afternoon in san francisco. 6:45. tracking conditions at sfo this morning. all that smoke canceled 31 flights yesterday. dozens more were canceled last week after the north bay wildfires. not a lot of air traffic right now. check with your flight status before flying out or if you are expecting someone in. the news room will check those conditions at sfo. another update coming up in a half hour. by the way, sonoma county airport is operating on a limited basis today. air quality concerns continue to be front and center for people visiting in wine country. >> the smoke that is more than ten days of fire is creating some of the worst air quality anywhere on the planet right now. napa winery workers told us all of that ash and soot is making the certain act of breathing a challenge. >> the air is heavy, smoke
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filled. feels like the barbecue is two feet away from you. >> definitely gives you a strange feeling. >> it is more than fears about breathing the smoke's toxicity. not only is it going into people's noses, but embedded in clothing. >> 6:47. new this morning, senators diane finestein and harris are sending letters to the fcc arguing the wireless emergency alert system is inadequate when it comes to targeting specific locations. sonoma county leaders suggested no alert blast was sent in the early moment of the tubbs fire because the coverage was too wide and didn't want mass panic. in the letter, the senators say the timely alert may mean the difference between life and death. investigating a fire in san
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francisco. this is video posted by the fire department. no one was injured. the two neighboring condos sustained damage. palo alto fire department is cutting positions. the cuts are in response to a decrease in the department's revenue. the city counsel decided to eliminate the positions. the decision is expected to save the city $1.5 million annually. on placard patrol. a crackdown on misused disabled parking placards. dmv investigators cited more than 500 drivers across california in the month of september. 11 were in concord. this isn't the first crackdown they have done. in june, investigators nabbed 20 motorists are contra costa
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county. happening today, relief for anyone who dreads going to the dmv. state officials are debating self-service terminals. there's one at the safeway on capitol expressway in san jose. the other is at 16th street in san francisco. dmv officials stay terminals are available at nearly 40 grocery stores statewide. there are some at 60 dmv office locations. >> you have to get your own license then reup. google is going to experiment with pop-up stores where users test products before buying them online. they will sell pixel phones and home devices at pop-up locations this year, starting tomorrow with two stores in new york city and los angeles. why not here at home where google lives. it will be open through the holiday season. i'm going to keep putting the pressure on. come on! >> they are saying we are going to get less. google says we are going back to
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the way it used to be. >> exactly. i know. the world has gone mad. kari, the weather forecast looks very favorable at least for the firefighters and the rest of us. >> right. that's the hope. we will have higher humidity, light winds and also cooler temperatures around the bay area. so, great news all around here as you get ready head out the door on this wednesday morning. it is cool. look at the peninsula right now. 53 degrees in the middle of the screen. we are looking live in palo alto. 45 in the tri-valley. 42 degrees now in the north bay and san francisco much cooler than yesterday at 49 degrees. let's get a look at the high temperatures today. we are bringing down those temperatur temperatures as a result of the winds coming on shore and also boost our humidity. we are feeling that already. 79 degrees. it's going to be up to 79 degrees in concord. san jose, 76 degrees there and san francisco 65 degrees.
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getting started this morning, loorking out the window, you can see the smoke in the air. well, wear a nice, warm jacket and long sleeves to keep you comfortable this afternoon. won't be as warm as it has been recently. limit your time outside because of the unhealthy air quality. this is something that may help us out here. some rain moving in from the north. i have been tracking this all week long. it's up around oregon. that will work to the south and by late tomorrow night, moving into the north bay. still dry all day today and we will start to see the rain moving in. here is the time frame, 5:00 tomorrow evening for the north bay. then the heavier downpours work its way into the bay area late tomorrow night and into san francisco, the east bay and approaching the south bay early on friday morning. so, we may wake up to wet roads on friday as you head out the door, then it starts to dry out heading into the weekend with a possibility of getting, in parts
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of the north bay, over a quarter inch of rain. that's really going to help out quite a bit. the rest of the bay area seeing lesser amounts according to this model showing a few one-hundredths of an inch for the south bay. while we get rain, snow in the sierra. heads up if you are going there. mike is like, what? yes, we will have a light snow for the weekend, before the weekend gets under way. in san francisco, expect temperatures in the low 60s. warming up for next weekend. after a few days of cooler temperatures, higher humidity and rain, it will feel more like summer early next week. mike is updating what's happening on the nimitz. >> over here, we are looking at 880 slowing and 680. there's a slower drive as you travel through the east bay. better news, the crash i told you about blocking a couple lanes, they have just cleared quickly northbound 880 at marina. slowing north past the castro
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valley. a recovery from the earlier back up. back southbound 880, a slower drive toward the san mateo bridge. here, approaching the bay bridge, an easy drive. under 40 minutes to highway 4. the south bay, the waze system, looking at northbound through san jose. going from 101 at 85 to santa clara. the green route shows 50 minutes. the slower drive for 101. i heard about a crash on 87. that's going to add to the congestion. back to you. >> thank you, mike. 6:53. next, a quick look at the top stories on "today in the bay," including breaking news we continue to follow in the santa cruz mountains. flames erupt forcing hundreds to flee their homes. where the fire fight continues today. first, happening now, a well known olympic gold medalist adds her name to the me too movement that uses social media to expose sexual harassment.
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she says a u.s. team doctor assaulted her for years. the story is coming up later on the "today" show after "today in the bay." l.a. will become the largest city in the u.s. to test police use of drones. a civilian panel approved the plan late last night despite protests from civil rights groups. before you head out the door,
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here are the top stories on today
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in the bay-- we )re back in the santa cruz 6:56. welcome back. here are the top stories on "today in the bay." >> the bear wildfire continues to burn at this hour. this was breaking news we first brought you at 3:00 yesterday morning. our coverage continues all morning long. the fire score ched more than 270 acres at this point. it is only 5% contained. here are the evacuation areas still in effect this morning there on the map. we are expecting an update from cal fire in five minutes or so. we will bring you that information during the "today" show. we are streaming it on now, the latest numbers in the north bay wildfires. containment continues to grow. pg&e restored power to 97% of customers who can receive that power. cal fire granted crews access to 6,000 new homes yesterday. officials expect that the gas service will be restored to all by today. sadly, the death toll stands at
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at least 41. for the latest on the fires burning in the bay area, follow us online at and download the nbc bay area app for updates on your smartphone. video just into the newsroom of a house fire on the peninsula. you can see the front of the house suffered the brunt of the damage. the home is near sharon heights country club. the overnight fire appeared to start in the garage, but spread to the rest of the house and the trees. one person was taken to the hospital for smoke inhilation. the cause is still under investigation. breaking news and a live look at san jose where police are investigating a deadly stabbing near davis intermediate school. police say there are no suspects in custody and the victim, a man, has not been identified. we could see impact on the scene.
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the investigation could stretch into the drop-off hours for davis intermediate. you should know that as well. kari, the weather conditions? >> as you head out, it feels cooler and smokey around the bay area. watch out for that. we are really excited to see some rain in the forecast. that's tomorrow night into early friday and drys out for the weekend. inland areas cooler today. we will have that unhealthy air quality throughout the afternoon. >> confirming a crash in san jose? >> that's right. north 87. that's where we see slowing on northbound 87. now, it's over off to the center divide. it is very narrow in the area coming from the downtown san jose. that's why there's additional slowing. we are seeing the shift. folks are making to shift from 85 to 17. that's the power of waze. join our team, nbc bay area wazers. >> i'm a member. don't drive during rush hour.
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that's what's happening during "today in the bay." we are going to stream on >> don't forget to join us at 11:00 for news. ♪ good morning. out of drawing fresh comment fallen >> sarcastically he said you must have known what he sig up >> the president hitting that lawmaker controversy. gymnast claiming to by the doctor the shot by the


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